Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Banks and Credit Unions

You are going to research and compare credit unions and banks. Use the following links to fill out the venn diagram comparing commercial banks with credit unions:

Facts about credit unions:

Facts about banks:

Once you have filled out the venn diagram, you will look for local banks and credit unions near where the city where you are most likely to go to college. If you are not planning on going to school in the states, you make pick a city of your choice in the US or try to find some banks and credit unions in your home country.

Use the following links to search and pick one bank AND one credit union near your future home.

Locate Local Banks (Enter "banks" in the place for name and enter your zip code)

Locate Local Credit Unions; General Credit Union Information

Next, fill out the bank criteria worksheet comparing the bank and credit union you chose.
If you have time you can do the following activity to see how well you know the difference between banks and credit unions:

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